Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Scene 73: The Galleria Mall

Ah yes, the mall.. always a hotbed for tall comments. These were all good this time. :-)

First: At Claire's..

Girl Behind the Counter: Wow, you're tall. How tall are you?
Me: 6'5"
Girl Behind the Counter: Wow.. is it hard for you to find clothes?
Me: Yes.
Girl Behind the Counter: Where do you get them?
Me: The internet mostly. Wow, that's awesome. I wish I was tall. There was just a tall guy in here the other day. Even taller than you.
Me: Wow, cool.

Second: In Victoria's Secret...

Young teen in store: Excuse me, are you a model?
Me: (smiling) No, but thank you.

Third: In the mall corridor

Tall girl's mom: Excuse me, where did you get your jeans?
Me: On the internet.
Talll girl's mom: What site?
Teenage tall girl (about 5'10"): Oh yeah, they're really expensive though.
Me: All tall girl clothes are expensive.
Teenage tall girl: That's the price of being tall, I guess.


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