Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Scene 220: The Mall

I'm walking in the mall, when I hear a faint little voice call up to me from far, far below. It's this tiny, frail old lady with huge glasses. She's maybe four-feet tall and 60lbs. She looks up at me all aghast and says:

Frail Old Lady: Are you seven feet?
Me: No. I'm 6-foot-5.
Frail Old Lady: ALMOST seven feet!
Me: No, not really. 6-foot-5.

What's another 7 inches from all the way down there though, right?


At 5:02 PM, Blogger yournamehere said...

People do that shit to me all the time. If you were 5'5", NO ONE would say "Wow, you're almost six feet tall."

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

HEY! In heels, I'm almost 6' tall.

At 4:16 AM, Blogger JaspieMummy said...

I get that too and I'm only 6'!! People can be so ignorant at times. I used to get comments like: "Is it cold up there?", "Did your parents keep you in a grow bag?". Often these come from small men whose growth was probably stunted by smoking or a bad diet and who would give anything to be tall like us - they're just jealous and/or intimidated!

At 9:58 PM, Blogger staybeautifulnddreambig90 said...

im 6'3 i wear heels and boots with heels all the time.. people say negative things to me when i do but i dnt care .. the same thing yournamehere said if i was 5'5 they wouldnt have a problem.. ive had people run out of buildings screaming across the streets asking me how tall i am.. it can get pretty annoying.


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